(BG) Gilbert Bast, Böttler-Mühle 13, D-66740 Saarlouis-Roden, Tel: 06831-86231, e-Mail: buckbast@t-online.de
-Pedigree Season 2004-
Buckfast Breeder No.
NO. B119(BG)= .01-MKW9961xB92TR), .99-TW9759xB4(PK), .97-KB96498xKB202, etc.
NO. B186(PJ)= .01-B239(PJ)x A199(PJ), .99-B106(PJ)x I152(PJ), .94-A208(PJ)x B171(PJ), etc
Primorski Breeder No.
NO. P519(BG)= .02-P1(GdeB)xAM9985, .01-Blue00xPmixt (Ruden).etc.
Cecropia Breeder No.
NO. G501(BG)= .03-QRC014x KCR130, etc (Import Greece)
NO. G103(BG)= .04-G501(BG)xB223(PJ), .03-QRC014xKCR130, etc (Import Greece)NO. G148(BG)= .04 Import Greece No more data
Anatolica Breeder No.
NO. A1(BG)= .03- Anatolian Sinop Queens - No more data - Import via Teeltgroep Marken
NO. A108(BG)= .04-A1(BG)xB223(PJ) .03-Import Anatolian Sinop Queens via Teeltgroep Marken
Drones: Insemination Marpingen(D) C. Winkler, Daughters of:
B223(PJ)= B119, A1, G501
Drones: Ameland island mating station (NL-Friesland), Daughters of:
B93(AM)= A108, G103
Drones: (Hausberg mountain mating Station (D), Daughters of:
2d period:
Pool of Survivors= B186, P519
Supplied Drones by tens Colonies of Survivors, see comments of Imkerei Kober
Drones: Insemination Massenbuch (D) C. Winkler, Daughters of:
B1(BW)= G501, B119