Sie sind hier: Zucht Pedigree

(BG) Gilbert Bast, Böttler-Mühle 13, D-66740 Saarlouis-Roden, Tel: 06831-86231, e-Mail:

-Pedigree Season 2003-

Buckfast Breeder:

NO. B101(BG)= .01-B268(PJ)x B11(EN), .99-B266(PJ)x B106(PJ), .97-B133(PJ)x B201(PJ), etc.
NO. B256(PJ)= .00-B240(PJ)x A79(PN), .99-B249(PJ)x B188(PJ), .97-B123(PJ)x B281(PJ), etc.
NO. B254(PJ)= .00-I273(PJ)x B106(PJ), .98-I152(PJ)x A2(PJ), .96-I473(PJ)x B161(PJ), etc.
NO. B117(BG)= .02-B22(TR)x 431(GB), .99-B129(TR)x B175(TR), .96-B34(TR)x B169(TR), etc.
NO. B223(PJ)= .99 B166(PJ)x B106(PJ), .97-B184(PJ)x B281(PJ), .95-B161(PJ)x B182(PJ), etc.

Cecropia Breeder:

NO. G501(BG)= .03-QRC014x KCR130, etc (Import Greece)
NO. G515(BG)= .03-Buckfast-Cecropia Kombi. (no more data, Import Greece)

Primorski Breeder:

NO. P519(BG)= .02-P1(GdeB)x AM9985, .01-Blue00x Pmixt (Ruden)
NO. P1(GdeB)= .01-Blue00x Pmixt (Ruden.), import Prof. Dr. Rinderer via GdeB.

Anatolica Breeder:

Anatolian Sinop Queens - No more data - Import via Teeltgroep Marken (NL)

Drones: Daughters of (Insmination Marpingen C. Winkler)
B101(BG), 256(PJ),

Drones: Daughters of (Isle of Marken NL.)

Drones: Daughters of (Isle of Neeltje Jans NL.)
1st period:
Orange Whit= P1(GdeB), P519(BG) Supplied Drones by 5 Colonies from Ed Pieterse (NL)

2st period:
P1(GdeB)= P519(BG) Supplied Drones by 6 Colonies from Gilbert Bast (D)

Drones: Daughters of (Isle of Ameland NL.)