Sie sind hier: Zucht Pedigree

(BG) Gilbert Bast, Böttler-Mühle 13, D-66740 Saarlouis-Roden, Tel: 06831-86231, e-Mail:

-Pedigree Season 2006-

Buckfast Breeder No.

No. B108(BG)= .04-B186(PJ) hbg Pool of Surv., .01-B239(PJ) ins A199(PJ), .99-B106(PJ) ins I152(PJ),
.94-A208(PJ) ins B174(PJ), etc

No. B507(PN)= .03-A501(PN) hbpn B483(PN), .00-A31(PN) hbpn A39(PN), .98-A79(PN) ins B184(PJ),
imq .97-Bayburt 98-3R x BayburtM (pure Anatolica)
Virgin queen imported, Horst Preissl & Johannes Neuburger (A)

No. B508(PN)= .03-A501(PN) hbpn B483(PN), .00-A31(PN) hbpn A39(PN), .98-A79(PN) ins B184(PJ),
imq .97-Bayburt 98-3R x BayburtM (pure Anatolica)
Virgin queen imported, Horst Preissl & Johannes Neuburger (A)

Anatolica Breeder No.

No. A147(PJ)= .04-A293(PJ) ins B190(PJ), .02-A151(PJ) ins B240(PJ), .00-A3(PN) ivg x ins Bmix(PJ),
imq .97-Bayburt 98-3R x BayburtM (pure Anatolica)
Mature queen cell imported from Paul Jungels (lux) by the way of Jos & Anette Guth (Lux)

Cecropia Breeder No.

No. G144(BG)= .04-G501(BG) ins B1(BW). .03-QRC014 ins KCR130, .03-Laying Oueen imported (Greece,
pure Cecropia)

Primorski Breeder No.

No. P101(BG)= .03-P519(BG) nee P1a(GdB), .02-P1a(GdB) aml A85(AM), .01-P1(GdB) rud pPmix(KK), etc.

Drones: Insemination Marpingen(D) C. Winkler, Daughters of…

.02-A164 (PJ) ins B240(PJ), .00-A199(PJ) ins B106(PJ), .98-A79(PN) ivg x ins B184(PJ) etc.
Supplied Drones by 14 Sister Colonies, bred by Gilbert Bast (D) Nr. 111, 142, 315, 316, 317, 324, 327, 328, 515, 525, 530, 531, 532, 533

B66 (KK)= .01-B262 (NE) ins B626 (NE), .99-B262 (NE) nst B434 (NE), .98-B262 (NE) nst B505 (NE) etc. Supplied Drones by 5 Colonies, bred by Christian Peter (D) Nr. 22, 41, 14, 25, 52

Drones: Ameland island mating Station (NL-Friesland), Daughters of...

B25 (CS)=
.02-B126 (PJ) itq x lthl B238 (PJ), .00-B134 (PJ) ins B106 (PJ), .98-B188 (PJ) ins B123 (PJ),
.96-B172 PJ) ins B161 (PJ), etc.
Supplied Drones by 14 Sister Colonies, bred by Teeltstation Insel Ameland (NL)

-Drones, Neeltje Jans island mating place (NL –North Sea) – Daughters of…

P6(EP)= Pool of Surv Mix Grün-Blau-Violet

(no more data) Supplied Drones by 6 Colonies, bred by Ed Pieterse (NL)

…used as below

x A255 (PJ):
A507 (PN), A508(PN),

x B66 (KK): A507(PN), A508(PN), G144(BG)

x B25 (CS): B108(BG), A147(PJ),

xP6 (EP): P101 (BG), G144(BG),